The Pre-Work Perfection Organizer

Equip your VIP Day clients with the tools they need to instantly conquer their pre-work with ease.

One-time payment — yes, really!

You want your upcoming VIP Days to go off without a hitch and you know very well that the pre-work is where the magic happens...

Staying organized from the get-go is exactly what you need to achieve just that.

The problem is…

Clients can often be disorganized and directionless when it comes to getting the essential tasks completed in order to prep for your VIP day together.

They’ll send you a mess of things as attachments in an email, another item through Dropbox, and try to add you to aaaallll their Canva projects.

It’s possible they’ve worked with another service pro and have assets from that project that they just don’t know how to get to you.

Keeping everything clear, concise, and organized kinda goes out the window as clients start dumping things on you all at once.

If you’re over there nodding and wincing, I’ve got some good news to share: 

There’s a better way to make the pre-work come together perfectly — keep on reading!

Wouldn’t it be such a relief if you could…

…keep all your client’s onboarding materials in one easy-to-use location?

…quickly see what they’ve given you and what they still need to work on?

…equip them with a system that they can use on their own for future VIP Days?

And all without hand-holding and constantly reminding them of where to send things?

It is my pleasure to introduce–

the Prework Perfection Organizer.

A board-view Asana template to help your VIP Day clients instantly conquer their pre-work for your upcoming project — saving everyone the headache and confusion that can come from a disorganized onboarding system.

But won’t everyone ask for different onboarding items?”

This organizer is designed to cover the most commonly requested pre-work items for VIP days that fall under the most common categories (such as Copywriting, Web Design, Branding, and Content Creation).

Take it from someone who frequently books and sells VIP days–it’s going to feel amazing to reduce the amount of time you spend on onboarding tasks.

With the Pre-Work Perfection Organizer you will be able to:

Confidently guide your VIP day clients through all the tasks you need them to complete.

Equip your clients with an easy-to-use system for organizing everything under one roof.

Eliminate the inbox-overwhelm and frustration from receiving onboarding materials in different locations (creating even more work for you).

Set both of you up for the greatest amount of success–which hopefully leads to repeat clients and referrals.

Give your client a useful tool that they can use not just for your project but any future VIP days they book with other service pros.

And the best part? You can get it for just $9.

So what’s inside?

The Pre-Work Perfection Organizer is a board-view Asana template designed for organizing assets.

Complete with a super helpful walk-through tutorial for optimal productivity.

This is taken from our EXACT system for onboarding clients.

If it’s helped our clients be BETTER clients, it’ll definitely help you as well.

I mean, for only $9, it’s pretty dang helpful.

What’s included in The Pre-Work Perfection Organizer — and for just $9:

Board-view Asana Template

Where all the magic happens! It’s meticulously organized and ready for nearly any kind of VIP day project.

Full Walk-thru Tutorial

I recorded a handy tutorial to give you a tour of the organizer and all the creative ways you can use it! Includes an AI generated transcript. 

Canva Mini-Tutorial

This less-than-a-minute tutorial shows your clients how to send a Canva template as a link versus adding you to their network. 

Installation Tutorial

Learn how to download your purchase (it’s a CSV file) and upload it to your Asana account. You won’t ever need a paid Asana account to use this product.

Easy Access Platform

The Pre-Work Perfection Organizer is housed in my very own ThriveCart Learn portal–making it easy to find what you need and implement it quickly.

(aaaaand stay up-to-date on the future products I’m currently working on)

And here’s a few of the items you’ll conquer as you implement the Pre-Work Perfection Organizer:

  • Website and Sales Copy

  • Nurture Sequence Copy

  • Branding Guide

  • Brand Colors

  • Brand Fonts

  • Logos, Sublogos, and branded elements

  • Custom Graphics

  • Style Guides and Preferences

  • Testimonials and Reviews

  • Important Links and Logins

  • Templates and Tutorials

  • Brand Photos

  • Stock Photos

  • Ideal Client Avatar details

  • Ideal Client Avatar pain points


  • You will need an Asana account to use the Pre-Work Perfection Organizer. Either a free or paid account will work just fine.

  • No the Pre-Work Perfection Organizer is only designed for use in Asana.

  • The implementation process is totally up to you. Most users were able to implement the Pre-Work Perfection Organizer in less than an hour.

  • I’m happy to help! Email me any time at

  • As long as you like! It’s all yours, honey! Just make sure you download the CSV and upload it to your Asana account within 30 days.

Hey hey, friend!

I’m Lizzie and I have been working with women in the online business space since 2018 (that’s like a decade in internet years!) throughout the evolution of what it looks like to show up online.

I’ve worked with itty bitty solo-preneurs all the way up to million dollar brands.

What I have seen time and time again from these client experiences is that a clear, consistent system can make or break the success of your VIP day.

Ready to make the pre-work magic happen?

It’s time to kick off your next VIP Day with a proven, crystal clear system and fall in love with the magic of perfectly organized pre-work. It can be easy. And it can be quick — I’ll show you how.

One-time payment — yes, really!